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The ancient fishing grounds of the River Medway officially date back in public records to 1446 when King Henry VI granted a charter to the citizens of Rochester which guaranteed their fishing rights. Since that time, men of the Medway towns of Chatham, Rochester and Strood have continuously dredged the river for oysters and trawled for fish.

The Wadhams name has long been prominent amongst the fishing families of the Medway towns, members of this particular family continuing their traditional way of life well into the late 20th century. Through intermarriage with other similar such local families as the Hills, Pococks, Letleys, Seagulls and Wickers, the fishing industry of the Medway was a true fraternity in every sense of the word.

The photographs below depict various aspects of the fisherman's life on the Medway. For anyone wishing to delve further into this fascinating world, I would thoroughly recommend two books written by Derek Coombe:

  • The Bawleymen - Fishermen & Dredgermen of the River Medway
  • Fishermen from the Kentish Shore

Both of these excellent publications, though out of print, are quite readily available through secondhand booksellers on the Internet.

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A sad ending for what was once a race-winning barge on the Medway, skippered
by Victor Wadhams

(courtesy of Allan Wadhams)



A typical session of the Fishery Court where prospective Freemen of the River are sworn-in.

(courtesy of Allan Wadhams)


This is the actual Indenture for Charles Wadhams (b.1828), son of Henry Wadhams and Keziah Kingsnorth, as an apprentice Fisherman and Dredgerman, circa 1842.

                  (click on the image to enlarge)

                               (courtesy of Dave Windle)



A copy of the Oath of Fishermen & Dredgermen of the City of Rochester, as sworn by Charles Wadhams,  son of Henry Wadhams and Keziah Kingsnorth, upon his admittance to the Freedom of the Fishery and the Company of Free Dredgers in October 1854.

                  (click on the image to enlarge)

 (courtesy of Dave Windle)


This is the Indenture for Charles Wadhams (b.1860), son of Charles Wadhams and Sarah Elizabeth Martin, as an apprentice Fisherman and Dredgerman, 1878

                  (click on the image to enlarge)

                                 (courtesy of Dave Windle)



A copy of the Oath of Fishermen & Dredgermen of the City of Rochester, as sworn by Charles Wadhams, son of Charles Wadhams and Sarah Elizabeth Martin,  upon his admittance to the Freedom of the Fishery and the Company of Free Dredgers in February 1886.

                    (click on the image to enlarge)

 (courtesy of Dave Windle)



This is the certificate of appointment of Charles Wadhams (b.1828), son of son of Henry Wadhams and Keziah Kingsnorth, as a Water Bailiff of the River Medway, 1894

                  (click on the image to enlarge)


                                    (courtesy of Dave Windle)



This is the certificate of appointment of Charles Wadhams (b.1860), Charles Wadhams and Sarah Elizabeth Martin, as a Water Bailiff of the River Medway, circa 1912

                  (click on the image to enlarge)




                                   (courtesy of Dave Windle)





A traditional Bawley of the type sailed by the Wadhams families.

(courtesy of her owner, Denis Johnson)




This is the Oath of Fishermen & Dredgermen of the City of Rochester, as sworn by James Wadhams upon his admittance to the Freedom of the Fishery and the Company of Free Dredgers in December 1905.


                      (click on the image to enlarge)


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Richard Thomas Wadhams pictured alongside the sailing bawley "Susannah" under construction at the Borstal boatyard in 1907 where he was yard foreman.


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The "Susannah" shortly before her launching in May 1908.


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A watercolour painting of the "Susannah"
by a member of her owner-family, Leslie H. Hill

A comparison with the photo above of the "Doris" shows
that the basic design of the bawley has remained unchanged.



Many of the Strood fishing families augmented their incomes by selling
some of their catch either door-to-door, or from their own shops.

Pictured above are Henry John Seagull and his wife Lydia Waterman
at the door of their fish shop with their wares on display in the window.

The Seagulls were another of Strood's prominent fishing families, most of which were linked through intermarriage. Henry Seagull's younger sister, Susan Elizabeth Seagull, was married to Thomas Henry Wadhams.

(courtesy Diane Mace)

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Jurymen and Freemen of the Fishery on Admiral Court Day 1912.
Second from left, and slightly behind, is Thomas John Wadhams,
father of boatyard foreman Richard Thomas Wadhams.



A view of Strood in the early 1900s

(John Allendale)






The two Wadhams family bawleys
"Minion" (RR9) & "Hilda Marjorie" (RR8)
pictured at Strood Pier in 1936.

At left, on "Minion",
is Leonard Baker Wadhams.

Left to right on "Hilda Marjorie"
are Leonard Wadhams jnr, and
Leonard Baker Wadhams' brothers,
Roland York Wadhams
Frank "Josher" Wadhams

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Another view of the Hilda Marjorie and Minion, taken about 1971

(courtesy Denis Johnson)



The Iverna, later owned by Dick Turner, grandson of Leonard Baker Wadhams.
In the background are the Minion (taller mast) and Hilda Marjorie. Circa 1977.

(courtesy Dick Turner)


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Leonard B. Wadhams,
Frank "Josher" Wadhams
Roland York Wadhams

Hilda Marjorie





Leonard Baker Wadhams BEM

1895 - 1970





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Frank "Josher" Wadhams
Roland York Wadhams





Medway Fishery Outing

In the front row, third from left, is Leonard Baker Wadhams.
Next to him, second from left, is his brother, William 'Bill' Wadhams.
At the extreme right of the middle row is Arthur James Wadhams.
Second from right in the middle row is Frank 'Josher' Wadhams.
At the extreme right of the back row is Leonard James Wadhams.

(courtesy Dick Turner)


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